Work at getting along with each other and with God. Otherwise you’ll
never get so much as a glimpse of God.” Hebrews 12:14
Notice that this does not say, “Work on liking each other and be best
friends.” Even God knows we aren’t ALL going to enjoy each other’s
personalities to the extent in which He does. But, we are all expected to
try and get along with each other, even those you find difficult. We are
also to have respect for others. If nothing else, we are to respect the
fact that Jesus loves them also. This is also not based on how others
treat YOU. We cannot justify our bad behavior with, “Well she treated me
badly or he was talking about me behind my back.” Both of these excuses
are a result of insecurity and pride. Most of our mistreatment of others
is rarely done in their presence and somehow we often feel entitled to be
unkind because of some injustice. However, we are called to try and get
along, not stir the proverbial pot. We are to try and make peace, not
accentuate the problem. When we try to fit who we are into the molds that
other people create for us, we are often left disappointed with them and
ourselves. When disappointment comes we often lash out to try to prove we
have worth and value, even if we could not live up to their expectations.
Instead…what if we were to focus our energies on accepting ourselves enough
to release us from others disappointment in us? What if we learned to
be OK with
people who weren’t OK with us? Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying to
spend energy trying to make them OK with us. I am saying, what if we got
to the point where we truly understood not everyone in this world is going
to enjoy our personality to the extent that Jesus does? We need to learn
how to quiet the voice that convinces us that there is something wrong with
us because others don’t see in us what God sees in us. You my friend are
amazing and loved by God! Find ONE person who likes you/ loves you
regardless of the mistakes, and make every effort to be in relationship
with them. If other’s come and go, well, that is their choice. Focus on
your friends not your foes!
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