Read John 18 &19:1-16
What is truth? This is not a new question. When Pilate asks Jesus (John 18:38) about truth it was a question that had been stirring for centuries. Pilate assumes Jesus is a commoner with an abstract philosophy.
See the truths below from this passage. Consider the contrast between the truth about Jesus and us.
- Jesus is met by a detachment of armed soldiers. At the revelation of His identity they literally could not stand. (John 18:2-6)
- Peter thinks Jesus needs to be defended. Jesus shows grace to Peter and the soldiers – the kind of grace that can only be possessed by someone who needs no defense. (18:10-11)
- Jesus speaks truth and is beaten for it. (18:20-24)
- Earthly power is an illusion compared to the eternal Kingdom of Jesus. (19:11)
The truth of the cross is on level ground. We all stand equal, without secrets or defense. We desperately want to believe that we carry less guilt because we weren’t there, we didn’t deny like Peter, betray like Judas or mock like the religious leaders. But the truth is an equalizer. Everyone has fallen short of God’s glory. Everyone mocks, denies and even betrays.
The good news of the gospel starts with the truth that the cross of Jesus is the most horrific event in the history of the universe. A redemptive event planned for the very people that caused it to happen. From Rome to the synagogue, disciples to soldiers, beginning to end, me to you. Guilt is universal. All have sinned, and no matter what you’ve done, God’s people are free by the grace of Jesus and the redemption that came through His sacrifice.
Thank God for the Truth.
Thank you Jesus for being patient with my questions. Please help me stand confidently in the truth that You are the greatest Truth, the greatest Answer, the greatest King, the greatest Servant and the only Sacrifice for my sin.
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